Graduated from Baghdad University in year 2000 received the initial training in Iraq till year 2007 where got vast experience in managing war injuries. Carry on with the surgical training in Malaysia namely in the National University of Malaysia for Upper GI & Bariatric surgery training with special interest in Minimal Invasive Surgery. Join the Malaysia Nutrition Society. Achieved many publications in high impact international journals. Won the golden medal for innovation of the Creative Method of Managing Buried Bumper Syndrome which was published in the RCS (Royal College of Surgeons - United Kingdom ) as a new technique in the world . Running the novel study in the National University of Malaysia for the CD gene expression in gastric cancer which was published in Gut International Journal. Running the international Multi centric study of EXPEL. Member of MUGIS (Malaysia Upper GI Society) , member of MyMBSS (Malaysia Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Society), member of PENSMA (Parentral & Entral Nutrition Society of Malaysia),member of SELSMA (Society of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery Malaysia), member of IFSO (International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders). Currently practicing as resident consultant; Upper GI and Metabolic Surgeon in CENGILD Medical Center ( Center of Gastroenterology and Liver Disease) with a record of more than 4000 Bariatric cases for the last 5 years with all the variation of surgeries ( sleeve gastrectomies, gastric bypass, mini gastric bypass and revision bariatric surgeries ) , recognized as Bariatric Centre of excellence IEF since February 2023 , awarded as the best Bariatric Surgeon in Asia Pacific for the last 4 consecutive years.
Day 1, 31 May 2024
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Mini Gastric Bypass : An option in Malaysian Patients?
Allurion Swallowable Intragastric Balloon: Experience of More Than 500 Cases
SADI-S ; Should we embrace it?
The Robot Is Here: Will It Revolutionise Bariatric Surgery?
Day 2, 1 June 2024
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Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Plus Proximal Transit Bipartition - A Novel Procedure
Recurrent Weight Gain After Gastric Bypass
Ramen Goel
Centre of Metabolic Surgery, India
Suboptimal Weight Loss And Weight Regain After Sleeve Gastrectomy
Concomitant Hiatal Hernia Repair in Sleeve Gastrectomy
Complications in Bariatric Surgery in Malaysia that We Don't Talk About
Pre-Congress Workshop, 30 May 2024
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The Ideal Sleeve Gastrectomy?
Laparoscopic Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass : Is it still the gold standard?
Sleeve-Plus Procedures - The future Gold Standard?
Diabetic remission with bariatric surgery
Ramen Goel
Centre of Metabolic Surgery, India
Panel Discussion with the experts:
Ramen Goel
Centre of Metabolic Surgery, India
Patient selection, Pre-op Preparation
Procedure-selection for the right patient
Technical Tips on Surgical Procedure
Debate: The Goal Standard Bariatric Surgery
Laparoscopic Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery vs Robotic Bariatric Surgery
Discussion + Vote
Lecture Hall 2